Teacher Chooses Curriculum

What curriculum would a teacher (straight out of the classroom) use for homeschooling? I’m gonna tell you and I promise this information will help you choose your homeschool curriculum for next year as well.

I have a video about this, so if click here if you would rather watch.

In a traditional setting, most teachers don’t have control over what curriculum is used. This was the case for my English class. The school I was teaching at had used the same faith-based curriculum for 50+ years. I knew the content well and I was comfortable teaching from the textbook using it as our “main tool” with supplements as I saw fit. I was “allowed” to include worksheets from a different curriculum, which took a mastery approach for those students who needed extra practice. My reading class was different. The previous teacher chose the novels for the class to read and I was on my own. I turned to Teachers Pay Teachers (check out my new store!) to purchase novel studies from some of my favorite sellers. But, this was the same approach I had for literature while homeschooling, so I felt very comfortable teaching each novel. The lesson plans went slower in the classroom, but that was to be expected when teaching 50 students as compared to 3.

After 12 years of homeschooling, I’ve gotten pretty familiar with most curriculum choices. I have my favorites, I have memories of what worked well for one child, but not another. I have experience with teaching styles, and I’ve learned what is most important in choosing a curriculum. After in-classroom and out of classroom experience, what do I think?

I first look at the learning style of my student(s). I decide on Math first, then English, then the rest of the subjects. Is Science important? Yes. More important that math foundations? Not in my opinion.

So how do I choose a curriculum now after having experience in and out of the classroom?

The same way I did before, with the exception of English. Now, I look at our co op and see what classes are being offered and which classes my child wants to take. This year, my daughter is taking science and creative writing at co op, so I will purchase the materials decided by the teachers of those classes. She is also taking two electives at co op that won’t require curriculum purchase, but maybe a few supplies.

After co op classes are decided, I look at math. Math is important to our family, especially since I have children who learn best with different methods. My youngest daughter learns best with a mastery approach, while my other two children prefer the spiral method. (More on these methods later)

Remember when I mentioned my choice for English is different this year? Here is why… Students in school hated reading. There were a few bookworms in each class, but as a whole, the students felt tortured with each required reading assignment. This was my first experience with Accelerated Reading program. Each grade level has a different requirement of AR points each quarter. They typically wait until the last minute before the points are due and chose the easiest book they can find. Or, there are those who try to work the system and look up answers online, cheat off friends, etc. I’ve seen some students put far more effort in cheating the test than it would take to just read the book. Overall, it appears this is killing the love of reading in students. I saw this with my own children. We read tons of books each year, FOR FUN! I encouraged spending time at the library. We attended fun events and reading time when the kids were little. We met authors, we knew the librarians personally. My oldest daughter read dozens of books during her last year of homeschooling. After being introduced to AR, points became her focus, not reading for enjoyment or learning something new. I know the program was designed to make kids read more, but I’m not convinced the amount of stress surrounding the points is worth the effort.

Disclaimer: My kids have restrictions on their screen time. It’s a constant battle. But, that may be another reason they chose reading during their free time. There was not an option to sit on the phone all day.

So, back to my Language Arts choice this year. I am choosing SonLight for it’s heavy focus on reading. The living books have a historical order, which ties in the student’s history for the year. This year, we will be focusing on American History. I hope the focus on interesting books and related assignments will undo the trauma of AR from last year. (An exaggeration, maybe. But trauma is how many families feel with the stress from this program. And don’t even get me started on students with learning disabilities. They never had a chance.)

So there you have it. That was easy. Science and Writing are taken care of at co op. I will continue the same Saxon Math we were using before and I’m looking forward to lots of time curled on the couch reading with my daughter. SonLight encourages reading aloud as well as the student reading to themselves. I like this Charlotte Mason approach where students read slightly under their level and are read to slightly over their reading level.

I’m Baaaack!

Where have I been? Good question.

Who just falls off the internet for a year with no explanation?

Was I kidnapped?

Stuck on a deserted island?

Did I join the CIA? What happened?!

It has been A YEAR let me tell you, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

In short, I took a job teaching in a middle school classroom. Last summer, my girls were involved in competition gymnastics and cheer. We lived an hour away from town and we spend most of our time on the road. I was offered a position as the homeschool coordinator for my daughter’s gym. At the last minute (like the Friday before I planned to start that next Monday), the job fell through. I was bummed, but I knew the Lord had a plan. Talking to my brother, I found out my alma mater had a teaching position open. Hmmm, I’ll give it a shot. I polished my resume and sent an email on Sunday evening. I received a call Monday morning for an interview on Tuesday. I was hired on the spot for the 7th grade English and Reading teacher.  Oh, and this happened to be less than 2 weeks before school starts! I had to enroll my 3 children, buy school supplies and uniforms, update my wardrobe and create a lesson plan! The Lord provided. Everything fell into place and nothing about this crazy process felt burdensome!

I spent the first semester setting boundries and getting to know my students.  Most students felt I was a strict or “hard” teacher. I had high expecations and I would not put up with nonsense. I’ll be sure to share more about my classroom experiences in the future. Stay tuned.

My oldest was hesitant. He didn’t necessarily want to go to school, but he was convinced.

My oldest daughter was elated! She had been wanting to go to school for several years.

My youngest was easily convinced.

 We were ready and excited for this new chapter in life.

6 weeks later, the commute was too much. I had reached a breaking point. I was waking up super early, getting the kids ready, driving 45 minutes and starting a day of teaching. The drive home was the worst. I wanted to get home as soon as possible, knowing we had such a long drive. That led us to avoid any after-school activities. Stay to watch volleyball? No. Friday night football game? Can’t. I felt like we weren’t inserting ourselves into the family/school environment I had grown up with. We moved.

Overall the classroom was hard. I spent as much time in planning and grading as I did in parent conferences and admin meetings. Every move I made was received with outrage. I stood my ground and everyone was generally unhappy. This was not the school I went to. (Much much more on this later as well)

My youngest asked many times to “go back” to homeschooling. She is my most outgoing and quickest friend-making child I know. But, she was not doing well at school socially nor emotionally. We were focusing on academics, but we should have been noticing that our child was eating chips by herself during recess instead of playing with friends.

Overnight, right before spring break, I had this overwhelming feeling to protect her and enrolling her for next year is the wrong plan. Oops! I’ve already enrolled her. (We will lose the enrollment fee) What should we do? Within a day or two, the answer seemed to reveal itself. We would hire a woman in my new Sunday school class to homeschool my daughter while I stayed teaching and the older 2 stayed in school.

Ultimately, late in the day on the last day of school, I was informed of the school’s plan for me. “We are heading in a different direction”. What? What direction? To be honest, I was surprised, but not completely taken off guard. I had seen the writing on the wall. I was walking into this meeting 50/50. I walked out feeling hurt, relieved, happy, sad, defeated and encouraged.

So long story short, I’m back home! I get to homeschool my youngest. She will get the one-on-one attention my oldest two received. I CHERISH this opportunity. Homeschooling is hard. I second-guessed myself often. I threw in the towel (in my head) often. The only reason we made it this far is the support of my husband. (He believes in home-education and was willing to sacrifice for his beliefs.)

Our oldest 2 will still attend private school. Honestly, this will be financial burden that our family will have to overcome. One about to drive, and another one not to far behind. We know the Lord will continue to provide and looking forward to the future.

BONUS! We missed signing up for our beloved CoOp by several weeks. Could we still participate? I was pleasantly surprised to find out that a space was found for us! I was even able to sign her up for her first picks!

New School Year

I used love “Back to School” time. My mom would set a time to take us to the store for us to shop for our new school supplies. I would pour over the list from my teacher…why do we need erasable pens? I wonder what the folders will be used for? Permanent markers, YES! Now, just so you know, I was not a star student. I earned average grades while enjoying the social and extracurricular options at school. But, there is something about a new box of sharpened crayons. I love a fresh, untouched notebook. What backpack and lunch box will I choose? So fun.

Now that I’m the mom, and I am buying the school supplies for my children – I find this outing just as fun! However, our lists look a little different. We don’t need paper towels, wet wipes or classroom kleenex. (Well, we do need those things, I just pick them up with our groceries each week.) Do we need a 5 subject notebook or composition notebook? It’s up to us! School supply shopping is way more fun without restrictive lists. Daughter wants to write with purple pens this year? Sure! Son wants a hologram Avengers notebook for his Spelling? Okay! Mom even gets to buy to fun office supplies. I love new cutesy paper clips, stickers and highlighters. Of course, I’ll need my own glitter notebook as well.

The more challenging choices come when choosing curriculum. As a homeschooler, I have complete control over my children’s curriculum. I gotta tell you, I love and hate this fact. I love that I can meet my child where they are and tailor an ELA curriculum based on they best way they learn. But, that burden is heavy. Should I choose the spiral or mastery math program. Is the science curriculum enough hands-on? Is this history book too dry or not engaging enough? We have to look into a crystal ball to guess what is best. 3 children, 5-7 subjects each…that’s a lot of decisions and second-guessing. Today, there are SO MANY choices. Perhaps too many. It can be overwhelming.

Now, flash back to me as a middle-schooler in the aisles of Office Depot…guess what my teacher was doing? She was working. She was cleaning. She was planning. She was choosing the perfect inspirational bulletin board for her classroom. She was organizing supplies. It is A LOT of work. It takes consideration. When I was new to the homeschool world and my children were young, I couldn’t wait for this time. Out with the old and in with the new! What new flashcards can I laminate this year?!

11 years later, this can feel like a big task looming over me. I’m done with last year, but haven’t put everything away just yet. I need to plan curriculum for next year, but I need to organize my supply closet first to see what I already have. The kids are crazy busy and I am their ride! The summer is disappearing before my eyes. It’s already July and we haven’t been to the lake once this summer. 😦 The last thing I feel like doing is cleaning out and organizing the school room.

But after I take the couple of hours to get it done…it feels amazing. I get a tinge of excitement for the new year. I find textbooks I forgot I had and put them aside to use next school year. Our next school year will begin in about 5 weeks. We don’t always start at the same time, I plan our school year based on our needs at the time. (extra-curricular activities, co-ops, etc)

Deep breath.

I make a plan to choose curriculum in enough time to order textbooks.

Squeeeeze the last precious moments of this summer with my precious little people (that aren’t so little anymore).

Thank the Lord that I get to choose the best education for my children for one more year. I get more time with them. I get the privilege of watching them learn.

Oh! And make sure to enjoy the school room while it’s clean for a very short period of time! 😉

Stay tuned for a homeschool supply haul. It’s still worth looking forward to.

Palma Mallorca

We loved waking up late today. Audrey and I enjoyed a mini facial at the spa before we went to see the Kids Club perform a Talent Show Extravaganza.

The Kids Club put on a talent show before we got off the ship

There is not one taxi on the Palma Mallorca that fits a family of 5! We took 2 taxis to the beach and started relaxing. The kids love the velvety sand, but their favorite part were the big waves.

We didn’t stay too long and we don’t have many pictures as most of them had topless people in the background. 🙂

Back on the ship for our last night. Robert and I enjoyed a show, a dinner with our group and I packed until 1:30am.

Watch our video of beach fun in Palma Mallorca!

France/ Monaco

Good morning, we are in FRANCE! We woke up before daylight once again. The port in Cannes is too small for our giant ship, so we had to take a “tender” (smaller boat) to get to the port.

“Tendering” in Cannes

We had no plans to spend any time in Cannes. Our plan for the day was to take a train to Monaco. After briefly walking to the train station, I wished we had more time to spend. I could have shopped all day!

Monaco did not disappoint. Everything is so fancy and clean. We hiked up to the Prince’s Palace to watch the changing of the guards.

Monaco – Prince’s Palace

I couldn’t resist taking a peek inside the Monte Carlo Casino. We don’t gamble, but it was fun to check it out.

Monte Carlo Casino
Monte Carlo Casino

What is it with these pretty train stations? So fun! Oh, and we had lunch at the fanciest convenience store you have ever seen! If you haven’t tried barbajuans, you are missing out!

I did get a few minutes to pop inside a wine shop back in Cannes. Perfect souvenir, right?

Although I wished we could have spent more time in Frances, we must get on our ship before it leaves for Palma Mallorca. Monaco was my youngest daughter’s favorite part of the whole trip.

Check out our video to see more of Monaco!


We had to choose an excursion to Livorno/Pisa or Florence. We could have potentially done all of them in one day, but yesterday was a lot for the kids, so we decided to take it a little easier. We chose Livorno/Pisa because, of course, we all wanted to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Livorno has quite a fancy train station!
Waiting for our train

After getting lost, walking in circles for an hour, taking the wrong way on the bus TWICE, we finally made it to Pisa. I had no idea what was around the famous leaning tower, but of course, like everywhere else in Italy, it is surrounded my amazing architecture. We all commented how it was more “lean-y” than we thought. It’s leaning more than what appears in pictures.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Pickpockets! We were well warned of pickpockets in the parts of Europe we were visiting and I thought we had taken precautions. However, my husband was wearing a small shoulder bag, right next to his body under his arm while taking our picture in front of the tower. It was crowded, the sun was in our eyes, and we never saw anything. Robert noticed his zipper was opened when he put his arm back down. Luckily, our passports and credit cards were further inside the bag in another zipper and the pickpocket only got off with about 30 euros. It isn’t about the amount taken, it just feels so violating when someone steals from you. I hate a thief.

Our friend convinced us to eat lunch at McDonald’s. She travels often and likes to check out chain fast food restaurants in different countries as their menus vary. She was wrong on this one. Yuck!

Livorno train station

While heading back to the train station, it started raining. I have never been so happy to see our ship. While I’m glad we saw the leaning tower, it was not our best day.

Kids Club pirate parade

The Kids Club planned a Pirate Parade through the ship after dinner. The kids love the Kids Club and beg to go everyday. Each night has a unique theme and they go all out with music, decoration and games.

Check out our video to see more of our day in Pisa.

Rome In a Day

We went to Rome in a day. It was busy. It was fast. We saw SO much! Thank goodness for our private driver or we wouldn’t have been able to see half of it.

Roman Colosseum

We toured the Coliseum first thing. It is a pretty incredible structure. The history of this location is pretty mind-blowing.

Trevi Fountain

One of the stops that I was looking most forward to was the Trevi Fountain. Seeing it on TV and then in real life is just so cool. It stays packed all day, and you have to weave your way through the crowd to get a chance to toss your coin. If legend is correct, we will all return. 😉

Vatican Museum

The Vatican Museum was interesting, the Wall of Maps was so impressive. Everything is beautiful. The Sistine Chapel was breathtaking. I was surprised by my emotions looking at the ceiling painted by Michelangelo.

St. Peter’s Square

The kids sent postcard to grandparents from the Vatican post office!


The Pantheon was our last stop. It was beautiful, but we were tired, the kids were whining and we didn’t stay long. Our day was hot and exhausting to see so much in one day. We were happy to board our ship, clean up, eat dinner and relax.

Watch our video to see how we fit Rome in a day!



I woke up before daylight and went to the buffet for coffee. We hopped of the ship as soon as we were able. Our private driver, Angelo met us and drove quickly around the curvy, winding roads of the Amalfi Coast. Sooooo beautiful. We had a surprise stop at a Limoncello Factory which was very interesting, especially with the sample tastings. 🙂 Angelo treated the kids to lemon shaved ice and gifted Robert a souvenir bottle of limoncello. Above and beyond service!

Next, we headed to Sorrento for lunch and shopping. We enjoyed original Napoli pizza. It’s different than what we are used to in the stated, but it was delicious! The food we found in Europe seemed to focus on fresh, local ingredients.


We met back up with Angelo to take us to Pompeii. We didn’t even get to see a fourth of the ruins. It was an entire city, after all and we only had about 2 hours.

It was incredibly hot, so we were really happy to find lemon ice treats before we browsed the souvenir market. The sellers were aggressive, but I love a good haggle.


Back on the ship, the kids played on the bungee trampoline before dinner. Our dinner wasn’t great, so we went to the buffet for dessert. We dropped the kids off at the kids club and the adults relaxed in the hot tub.

What an incredible day! We love spending time in amazing ports and having our room follow us through the Mediterranean Sea. Check out the video of our time on the Amalfi Coast.

Norwegian Epic Cruise

Just one of the beautiful dining rooms on the ship.

We ate breakfast at local pastry restaurant outdoors near the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona. Easy check in at port. I made our reservations, ate lunch at the buffet, we met up with our group, and the kids went rock climbing ON THE SHIP! While I unpacked and cleaned our (tiny) room, the kids enjoyed playing with life-sized chess pieces and a game of ping pong.

We finished the night with an epic Cirque dinner show where Robert was brought up on stage! Great food and entertainment! It was a long day, but we still took a walk on deck at night. Soooo nice.

The next day was our day at sea. The kids loved ordering whatever they wanted, even hot chocolate with breakfast! We spent the whole morning in the pools and hot tub until lunch.

This is Sardinia as we crossed through the passage.

The adults dropped the kids off at Kids Club and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon. After dinner, we had a date night at Skyy Vodka Ice Bar. Sooooo cold! Fun, yummy drinks and a really COOL experience.

NCL Epic Ice Bar
NCL Epic Ice Bar

Check out our video of us enjoying the NCL EPIC!

We took a family of 5 to Europe!!!

We traveled Carry-on ONLY – pro packing for 2 weeks with 5 people????

We left our house with Gram and Paw Paw. My adorable in-laws agreed to drop us off in our car and drove back home to keep an eye on our house. We had lunch at Olive garden in New Orleans which is a ‘lil hilarious since we are heading to Europe! We were dropped off the airport and eased through security. The kids were champs and the security workers were so accommodating. We waited for about 2 hours for our flight with very excited kids. This very long international flight was our girls first time on an airplane! We enjoyed a short smooth flight to Charlotte. Just before we landed, I checked our gate since we only had 1 hour layover. We land at Gate C, connecting flight is Gate D, no prob. Get to gate D, our flight gate has been changed to Gate B! Rush to make it just in the nick of time. The kids got their first experience of running through an airport!

MOM TIP: Traveling with littles? Play-Doh is your friend!

I sat next to nice lady from Charleston. She homeschooled her boys who are now grown. We enjoyed talking. Dinner on the plane was pretty good and we all tried to get some sleep, without much luck for most of us. I think I got about 45 min of sleep. Finally landed in Barcelona and had trouble with the ATM. (We use a small town local bank. Even though we gave them notice, our account was still internationally locked. ) We exchanged our cash for euros at the airport and grabbed a taxi.

This is how you wait for your mom to correct the missed reservation. You don’t have to be an actual hotel guest to be fabulous!

We arrived at our hotel and was informed our reservation was for tomorrow and they are full. Expedia had not added our extra day. After about an hour on the phone, the front desk manager offered to help. He found us a room at another hotel to sleep 5. (A miracle!) We booked it and hopped in another taxi. (Taxis for a family of 5 are ridiculously hard to find!) We walked in circles around Las Ramblas for about 45 min and finally found our hidden hotel. We found a nice clean room after the elevator door slammed into me. You know how elevator doors open back up after they come into contact with you or your arm? Not this one! The bruise lasted for weeks, but the kids still laugh about mommy getting “squished”. We left for lunch at 4:00pm. We shopped a little, (no trip is complete without souvenirs, right?) Our first gelato treat was enjoyed while waiting for our tickets at the Picasso Museum. With tired and hurting everything, made it back to our room at 9pm, showered and passed out.

Arc de Triomph – Barcelona

We woke up, packed and checked out. We took another taxi to our originally reserved hotel and left our luggage. We visited the Arc de Triomf and ate lunch at the Picasso Cafe near the Sagrada Familia. After a severe learning curve, we took the metro to Park Guell. I wanted to see in person those brightly colored photos I had seen online. We ended up hiked to a hiking trail! A steep uphill inline with beautiful views and lots of family whining.

Yep, we walked all the way up from the very bottom of this hill near the beach. AND we aren’t even halfway there!

We ultimately decided the entrance fee wasn’t worth it, so we looked from a distance and found an easier way back down the steep hill.

After cleaning up in our hotel room, we ventured out for dinner at Chinese food restaurant just steps away from our hotel. The food was good, but the wine was more potent than I expected! 

Chinese food in Spain…okay

We enjoyed breakfast at bakery near the Arc de Triomf and a playground. Staying in a residential neighborhood versus a highly tourist area paid off. Safe, quiet nights and walking to local eateries on broad, shaded sidewalks was enjoyable for all of us. We took the Metro to Sagrada Familia. I have no words. It was so beautiful and so big! Unfortunately, we lost the hour of footage taken inside the breathtaking views inside. We wandered back to our hotel, I took a nap while hubby took the kids to the pool and treated them with ice cream. ( Husband of the year!) We walked to dinner to a great inexpensive tapas restaurant. My kids are “good” eaters. They love chicken nuggets as much as the next kid, but we have taught them to eat what is in front of them. This led to more adventurous dining experiences during our trip. We met up with friends at a local Flamenco Show. It was real. It was raw. It was not a tourist attraction, this was these performers’ passion! I wouldn’t buy tickets again, but I’m glad to have the experience and I’m extra glad my kids had this extraordinary memory! After the show, we visited with our friends while they ate at in the mall at McDonald’s. No, no no! We want the LOCAL experience! But their croquettes shut me up pretty quick. Now I understand why my friend feels like she is branching out in chain restaurants while traveling abroad. Our experience with local dining was better, but she peaked my interest. We walked back to hotel. So much walking. So many steps. It feels good. We finally got to our beds at midnight. Tomorrow we board the cruise ship, eeeeek! I feel like I’ve already been on a full vacation and we are about to start another adventure!

We couldn’t figure out how to operate the metro tickets, but now we are international travel pros!

Check out our video of Barcelona!